at peace


at peace 的定义

  1. In a state of agreement or friendliness, not at strife or war; also, in a state of inner harmony or quiet. For example, Whatever their disagreements, Mexico and Belize have remained at peace, or In his last illness he seemed finally to be at peace with himself. [1300s]

at peace 近义词

at peace

等同于 orderly

at peace

等同于 pacific

at peace

等同于 peaceful

at peace

等同于 serene

at peace

等同于 tranquil

at peace

等同于 calm

at peace

等同于 contented

at peace

等同于 halcyon

更多at peace例句

  1. Domestically, the prime minister maintains the dubious line that he is the only man who can keep the still-fragile peace.
  2. They called for peace, reconciliation, and the safe return of Father Gregorio.
  3. The question is will we see regime changes in both Hamas and Israel that embrace a lasting peace?
  4. But without any peace talks on the horizon, everyone is now left to their own devices.
  5. At Christianity Today, Peter Chin claims Christians should preach peace instead of bogging down in the particulars of race.
  6. My son,” said Grabantak one evening to Chingatok, “if we are henceforth to live in peace, why not unite and become one nation?
  7. Impressed by the lugubrious scene, Aguinaldo yielded, and the next day peace negotiations were opened.
  8. Above all, he was amazed to hear me talk of a mercenary standing army in the midst of peace and among a free people.
  9. And it was no light task, then, for six hundred men to keep the peace on a thousand miles of frontier.
  10. O death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that hath peace in his possessions!